Should you bring Mom or Dad from the senior care facility to celebrate Christmas? Five things to consider.

The holiday season isn’t the easiest when you have a loved one living in a long-term care or memory care facility. There are mixed feelings, including guilt, when it’s time to plan family gatherings. With more than 1 million Americans living in nursing homes, you are far from being the only one going through it.

  1. How many pairs of hands are available to help? Your loved one has physical needs like transportation, personal hygiene, and nutrition. Talk to your family (siblings, grown children, and partner) in advance to organize a task force and avoid being overwhelmed.
  2. How long has your loved one lived in the nursing home? If they are still adapting to life in the facility, coming home for a few days can be confusing and make the adaptation process start from scratch when they come back. In this case, the best option can be organizing a small family gathering in the facility. On the other hand, if they are well-adapted to life in the facility, where they have activities and friends, everyone will have a great time without drama when it’s time to return.
  3. How many people will come to the party? It’s is something to consider if your parent has dementia, especially Alzheimer’s. The reason is simple: they will feel frustrated for not being able to remember most of the faces. Allow your loved one easy access to a quiet resting place during the festivities.
  4. Educate your family and friends in advance. Talk to them about avoiding approaching your loved one with questions such as “Remember me?” or “Remember that day?” Instead, they must focus on what they have in common in the present moment: the food, the decoration, whatever is on TV, and introduce themselves subtly: “By the way, I’m your niece “Jane,” daughter of your brother “John.”
  5. Let them help! Your loved one is family, and treating them like visitors won’t make them comfortable. If they are willing to help, give them something to do. Choose a chore that they can do safely and show appreciation. The feeling of belonging is always the best gift.

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